15 May, 2009

Parenting is hard....

Parentign is such a scary huge responsibility. With so many different parenting guides out there and different theories on how to gro a great human being how on earth can you feel confident that the decisions you make are the right ones.

My big issue right now is financial, I have savings but have to decide how to use them, is it best to put my money towards a house and lead a frugal but safe life paying off that mortgage, should I be investing $100,000.00 sending Flynn to the school of choice or should I use the money that we do have on family holidays and days out to make life fun.

What priorities make a good childhood and what things that I miss out on will cause him to resent me as an adult....


Anonymous said...

Thank u :-) look at that emo boy style over this blog:

Living consciously, working creatively ~ ~ glutenfreevegan said...

Hi Rebecca,

Just came across your blog ... shame you haven't posted for a while, I think you were on to something :) Hope you start blogging again soon, seems to be something you really wanted to do. Your son must be like 3 now! I have 3 kids and have started many blogs lol ... oh time management ...