15 May, 2009
Parenting is hard....
My big issue right now is financial, I have savings but have to decide how to use them, is it best to put my money towards a house and lead a frugal but safe life paying off that mortgage, should I be investing $100,000.00 sending Flynn to the school of choice or should I use the money that we do have on family holidays and days out to make life fun.
What priorities make a good childhood and what things that I miss out on will cause him to resent me as an adult....
01 April, 2009
Need to focus
I am making a concerted effort to concentrate on my friendships, family and study for the rest of this year.
I am absolutely banned from chasing boys because the ones I chase generally arent worth chasing.
Weekly goals 30/3/09
Goals for this week are:
- Clean house every night before bed.
- Spend time with a girl friend every day this week.
- Do first tafe module.
- Do an exercise Video atleast 4 times.
- Pick up mobile phone.
24 March, 2009
Bec's words of wisdom
21 March, 2009
15 March, 2009
Catch up on my baby

This is Flynn 6 months old on Christmas day propped up on his cousins new bike. He didn't learn to sit until 8 months although he could crawl by 6 and a half so this photo had to be taken very quickly.

13 March, 2009
Back to blogging.
Quick update on me:
- I had a baby boy on the 27th of June 08 named Flynn.
- I seperated from Andy last Sept, there was alot of bitterness and fighting but we are getting to a point where we can get along quite well.
- I moved to Katoomba and have a cute duplex all to myself (and Flynn obviously), I've been decorating and will post some pics soon.
- I'm still off work but have gotmy website up and running and have a bit of work from m business.
- Can't think of anything else right now but will update later.
23 June, 2008
14 June, 2008
07 June, 2008
God I'm Crap
02 March, 2008
Quote of the day
01 March, 2008
Diet starts now

29 February, 2008
My favourite site of the day

If not you don't get to see the video :-p
28 February, 2008
Things I love Thursday
• Writing up my business plan. I’m getting a great feeling from doing this and am discovering skills I didn’t even realize I had.
• Bread rolls with gravy – Maybe this is just a pregnancy thing but it tastes so good. Normally I hate salt but I think my baby likes it
• Being back in Recruitment – I worked for an IT recruitment agency for four years as my first “real” job and now I am temping for the next month in a different IT Recruitment agency. It’s nice to be back in the industry that I learnt so much in, and to see that not much has changed, especially for such a fast moving industry as IT.
• LinkedIn. I’ve never really used it before but now that I’ve decided to start a business I’ve discovered how great it can be as a networking tool. I’m currently building up my network and getting referrals. Feel free to add me to your network: http://www.linkedin.com/in/officemagic
• My boyfriend > Kisses for Andy xoxoxo
27 February, 2008
Step 1
26 February, 2008
Update on my work status

As I mentioned a few weeks ago I did end up losing the job I was working it. Coincidentally it happened straight after I told them I was pregnant but lets not dwell on that.
25 February, 2008
Weekly Goals for w/c 25/03/2008

Taking the lead from the lovely miss Gala Darling; I’ve decided to start setting weekly goals for myself.
Sometimes when you set big heavy goals for yourself be it yearly, quarterly or even monthly it can be too huge to manage. Looking at such a large concept of something that needs to be done it can be hard to decide where to start and hard to feel any sense of accomplishment as you work towards it. Plus, if your anything like me it’s easy to just forget them and end up setting the same goal year after year without ever getting to tick them off your list.
Shorter goals are much easier to focus on and give a greater sense of achievement.
My goals for this week are:
- Reply to all emails, phone calls and text messages I receive.
- Get out of bed by 7.00am every morning. (I know that doesn’t sound hard but believe me, I’m nearly 6 months pregnant, heavy, tired and lazy. This is harder than it sounds)
- Post on my blog at least once a day.
- Make sure I eat three meals a day every day.
- Start writing up a business plan (I’ll fill you all in on this in the coming weeks)
Messing with Mondays #2

Now I know some of you may believe that there have been several Monday’s in between the first and second installment of this series, but obviously you’re imagining it. One week has passed…. I promise… Trust me…..
Ok, perhaps I’m exaggerating. Well I hope you all had lovely Monday’s in between and I will definitely be updating this weekly so you won’t be left all alone and defenceless against the cruel early mornings again.
Tips for this week are:
#6 Have a long shower or bath and give yourself a face and scalp massage. (If your on water restrictions do this out of the shower)
#7 Drink at least two litres of water. Not only does this make you feel great but it makes you look great too.
#8 Make sure you get enough sleep. This will improve you week no end. If you have to leave the dishes or clothes on the floor then do it. Some things are more important.
#9 Do something spontaneous. Be it venturing outside your usual area for lunch, joining a tai chi class in the park or asking out that cute girl or guy you’ve had your eye on. Do it! Doing the same thing all the time is just plain boring, not to mention incredibly draining.
#10 Go to the library and get a book you wouldn’t normally read. Research the history of a nation you know little about or the religion of your new neighbours. Or just get yourself a trashy chick lit. Sometimes reading about martini’s and art openings is the best medicine.
24 February, 2008
23 February, 2008
Quote of the day
Style dedication
Baby boy pics
Slugs and snails and puppy dogs tails

That's what little boys are made of....
Well, it looks like I lied....
30 January, 2008
Naughty little blogger

Well I haven't been getting off to such a good start neglecting my poor blog so much in it's first month of existence.
21 January, 2008
Man wakes up in coffin at his own wake
Now sleeps with one eye open and will never trust his family again...
18 January, 2008
I never thought I would say this but...
I want. I want. I want.
And guess who's birthday is coming up...
These aren't even slightly hideous.
How come noone told me crocs made such cute shoes.
Re-enactment of my morning
Me: *grunt*
Andy: “Baby it’s time to wake up”
Me: (doing a stunning impression of a sullen teenager) “Why should I”
Andy: “Cos you have to go to work”
Me; *laugh* “No I don’t today is a weekend”
Andy: “No it’s not today is Friday”
Me: *puts pillow over head and rolls over to go back to sleep*
Andy: “Sweetie you HAVE to get up now or you’re going to be late”
Me: “How do you know today is a Friday”
Andy: “Cos I looked on my phone”
Me: *totally crushed* Oh Fuck! (Obviously beaten by his logic)
Now there’s a point where you’ve got to wonder; why does he put up with me?
I have a lovely boyfriend.
Although I’m still certain today is meant to be a Saturday.
17 January, 2008
16 January, 2008
Sell outs?
(Nudie is a brand who make natural fresh juices)
15 January, 2008
Door bells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles.
These are a few of my favourite things:
- Fashion
- My boyfriend
- Sitting in cafĂ©’s in the sunshine
- Over the top costume jewellery
- Brightly coloured magazine spreads
- Books
- Cuddles
- Puppies and Kittens
- Friends
- Inane Celebrity Gossip
- My mum’s cooking
- The bush
- Tattoos
- Unrealistic hair colours
- The beach
- Fun hats
- Inspirational Blogs
- Bed
- Mangoes
- Nature photos
- Beautiful hippy girls in petticoats
- Beer gardens with friends on a lazy day
- Intricate notebooks
- Photogrphy
- Love
- Chocolate Brownies
- Poetry
14 January, 2008
Messing With Mondays #1

Well everyone knows how awful Monday's are, having to wake up to an alarm clock after two blissful days of slumber, trying to get your brain into gear, being pushed and shoved by people on the train on the way into work, being ready to go back to bed by 10 in the morning.
My fashion gene is defect

Before becoming pregnant dressing up was one of my favourite things to do.
Lately nothing inspires me, when I go shopping I can't find anything I like (which is great financially) and none of the clothes in my wardrobe seem quite right.
I'm not quite at the stage where I need maternity clothes yet but I'm feeling a bit fat and bloated so my clothes don't sit quite right.
It's only to weeks to go until my birthday and I want to find something fun and glamorous to wear but I am an idea free zone.
Throw me ideas people.
Gross Pregnancy lesson off the day:
She's right, I don't! Neither do you.
Why is making babies so gross!!!
And where is my glow?
31 December, 2007
Beautiful People.