Flynn was born on the 27th of June at 3:30pm by Ceasar after a 26 hour labour. He was in distress and was born very sick (blue and not breathing) and was rushed away by four paediatricians. I also went into shock during the operation and was in recovery for a long time then they took me to my room and I did not get to see Flynn until 1:30 am. In that time noone really told me what was going on and I was very scared. It was horrible but then they brought my baby to me and he was fine.

We were in hospital for 6 days, he was on an antibiotic drip for the first 3 and then needed no help after that. Unfortunately he had very bad reflux which eventually turned out to be a lactose intolerance so we swapped him to soy formula raher than breastmilk and he was thriving.

This is Flynn at 3 months, he was a very quiet baby at this stage and would just sit and watch everyone. Always very smiley until a camera would be brought out.

This is Flynn 6 months old on Christmas day propped up on his cousins new bike. He didn't learn to sit until 8 months although he could crawl by 6 and a half so this photo had to be taken very quickly.

And this is him now, crawling, smiling and beautiful. He has also now learnt to pull hmself up to standing so it won't be long until he is running everywhere.
Oh Bec, he's adorable!!! I love that he's crawling around on the grass :) I can't wait for spring up here.
Bec, he is just too cute! He is going to be fighting the girls off soon!!
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