18 January, 2008

Re-enactment of my morning

Andy: “Honey”

Me: *grunt*

Andy: “Baby it’s time to wake up”

Me: (doing a stunning impression of a sullen teenager) “Why should I”

Andy: “Cos you have to go to work”

Me; *laugh* “No I don’t today is a weekend”

Andy: “No it’s not today is Friday”

Me: *puts pillow over head and rolls over to go back to sleep*

Andy: “Sweetie you HAVE to get up now or you’re going to be late”

Me: “How do you know today is a Friday”

Andy: “Cos I looked on my phone”

Me: *totally crushed* Oh Fuck! (Obviously beaten by his logic)

Now there’s a point where you’ve got to wonder; why does he put up with me?

I have a lovely boyfriend.

Although I’m still certain today is meant to be a Saturday.

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